Do you know 'Do-you Diet'? (Soy milk Diet)

What is 'Do-you' ?
'Do-you' means Soy milk in Korean. 'Do-you' is the Korean pronunciation of soy-milk.

The efficacy of soy milk
Soy-milk is a easy and healthy drink that provides nutrition of soybeans. Especially, it contains high-quality protein, iron and folic acid, which is helpful for adolescents in growing years and pregnant women.
Also soy milk is widely used as a diet food. Because botanical drinks such as soy milk reduce body fat and cholesterol, while also supplies nutrients.

The soy milk diet
Soy milk diet is especially good for women. 
Because soybean, the raw material of soy milk, is a food rich in vegetable estrogen. Soy-milk also contains a lot of vegetable protein and unsaturated fatty acids. The protein contained in soy milk is also said to be effective in reducing the incidence of heart disease.

If you want to have an effect on dieting in a short period of time, eat only soy milk for meals. You can lose 7kg in a week if you eat only soy milk three times a day.
However, this method can lead to a nutritional imbalance, so 'eating only soy milk' should be limited to one or two meals. And for other one or two meals, it is better to eat soy milk with foods like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas and eggs.
If you exercise while controlling your diet with soy milk, you can maximize the effects of your diet.

Do you want to lose weight? Then do your 'do-you diet'.
